The Associations

The 17 national associations currently members of Europiano are:  France, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Switzerland, Italy, Denmark, Germany, Russia, Holland, Czech  Republic, Austria, England and Poland. However under some circumstances both individual personal and associate membership are permissible, but the EP Statutes state that personal membership of Europiano must be applied for via one of the respective national associations.

 ABPT Association of Blind Piano Tuner   Pianoforte Tuners' Association
 Asociacion Española de Tecnicos y Afinadores de Pianos   Asociacion Española de Tecnicos y Afinadores de Pianos
 Associazione Italiana Accordatori Riparatori Pianoforti   Associazione Italiana Accordatori Riparatori Pianoforti
 Bund Deutscher Klavierbauer e.V.   Bund Deutscher Klavierbauer e.V.

 Cesky Klavirnicky Svez

 Cesky Klavirnicky Svez


Český klavírnický svaz, also for Slovakia

    Dansk Pianostemmer & Instrumentmagerforening
    Esti Klaverimeistrite Koda
    Europiano France
 Klaviermacherverband Österreich   Klaviermacherverband Österreich
    Norges Pianostemmer og Teknikerforening 
 Schweizer Verband der Klavierbauer und -stimmer   Schweizer Verband der Klavierbauer und -stimmer 
 Stowarzyszenie Polskich Stroicieli Fortepianów   Stowarzyszenie Polskich Stroicieli Fortepianów 
 Suomen Pianonvirittäjät ry   Suomen Pianonvirittäjät ry
 Sveriges Pianostämmare och Teknikerförening   Sveriges Pianostämmare och Teknikerförening
 The Association of Piano Masters Russia  

Ассоциация фортепианных мастеров (AФМ)

 Vereniging voor Pianotechnici Nederland     Vereniging voor Pianotechnici Nederland also for Belgium
 Lithuanian Association of piano tuners (LFDA)   Lietuvos fortepijonų derintojų asociacija
Lithuanian Association of piano tuners (LFDA)