The 19th biannual IAPBT convention
From the 10th to 12th of September, - Moscow 2015.
Dear members of the International Association of Piano Builders and Technicians!
It is a pleasure to invite you to the 19th biannual convention in Moscow. As you already have noticed this is done in connection with the every third years Europiano Congress, - hosted by the Association of Piano Masters (APM) – Russia.
We will follow the program of the Europiano congress, with exception of the IAPBT board meeting and the IAPBT symposium on Thursday the 10th of September from 8:30 to 12 am.
In the evening at 7.30 pm we will have the IAPBT dinner and celebration. This dinner is sponsored by the famous piano manufacturer Petrof
I hope you will enjoy the stay in Moscow, a magnificent exponent of the rich Russian culture, - and an important part of the European heritage.
Best regards,
Nils Henrik Jansen – President of IAPBT
The documents that you need for the congress you find them here.
Agenda of the upcoming IAPBT board meeting at the 10th of September 2015, 9 am, – at the Izmailovo Hotel, Moscow Russia.
Program for the IAPBT symposium at the 10th of September 2015, 1 pm, – at the Izmailovo Hotel, Moscow Russia.